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The world is awash with trillions of cubic feet of hydrocarbon natural gas.Natural gas comes in two main forms- associated gas (produced along with crude oil), non-associated (“free” gas).Producing gas is the easiest part, commercializing it (processing, storage, transportation and distribution) can, however, be a challenge. This is because gas producing fields are very remote; making it stranded, gas compositions vary and have varied use cases, the markets are far flung and storage and transportation are financially non trivial.

This course starts off with rudimentary gas production and processing. Participants are thereafter taken through an overview of gas markets, global gas outlooks, end use cases of natural gas components and the specialty processes and logistics inherent in each of them.The core of the course is case study heavy on gas business, gas fiscal regimes and incentives to spur commercialization, gas trading and technologies to commercialize produced gas.


  • Corporate Planners

  • Development Planners

  •  Gas Commercialization personnel

  • Analysts

  • Economists

  • Traders

  • Engineers

  • Asset Managers


  • Natural Gas Outlook

  • Natural gas sources, compositions, and product specifications

  • Overview of Natural Gas Processing

  • Markets and uses for NGL, LPG, ethane, propane, and butane

  • How gas is transported and sold

  • Non-technical fundamentals of technology and processes

  • Why various treatment processes and technologies are selected for differing gas compositions and processing applications

  • Natural Gas Energy pricing: Supply and Demand

  • Natural Gas Transmission and Transportation

  • Natural Gas and the Commercial Sector

  • Gas Master Plan – Investment and Business Opportunities

  • Natural Gas Development options

  • Natural Gas Business Opportunities

  • Economics of Gas Development

  • Challenges in Gas Commercialization and Monetization

  • Gas to Power

  • Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)

  • Gas to Liquid (GTL)

  • Government Regulatory & Fiscal Regimes

  • Environmental Aspects of Gas Processing and Utilization

  • Gas Sales Agreements – GSPA, GSAA, etc.

  • Starting a Gas Business - Challenges and Strategies

  • Carbon Credit & Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

Insurance Considerations in Gas Commercialization


5 Days


Dubai Houston London Miami

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