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Electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) is one of the various artificial lift technologies used in the Oil and Gas industry. This training helps facilities engineers in understanding artificial lift in a broad terms and ESPs in particular so they can contribute effectively to the increasing demand for cost effective production of hard to produce hydrocarbon and mature/ageing fields.  The training also helps in the selection, design and operation of artificial lift equipment, components and optimal use of ESPs, including trouble shooting and maintenance.  This course is complementary to the Gas Lift training course. Participants gain valuable experience by the hands-on approach and class work problems.  Computer software models are demonstrated in class including animated videos to improve understanding.

  • Understand the technical and business case for artificial lifts systems; especially ESPs

  • Understand best practices towards extending the life of equipment and installed ESP systems

  • Gain firm grounding in artificial lift principles and techniques for production optimization, and how ESPs compare with other technics

  • Identify components and operational features of ESP, design and analysis 

  • Understand the types of monitoring systems and sensors for ESPs

  • Variations and special conditions downhole and ESP designs to handle it.


  • Field Operations Personnel 

  • Engineers: Facility, Drilling and Completion Electrical, Instrumentation and Control, Reservoir


  • Overview of artificial lift technology

  • Criteria for selection of artificial lift system

  • Reservoir and production considerations in artificial lift: Nodal Analysis (inflow and outflow relationships, IPR), Darcy production index, Vogel 

  • Artificial lift screening and economic considerations in selecting an artificial lift system 

  • System Analysis 

  • ESP Overview, Applications, Pluses/Minuses

  • Components of an ESP system - pump, intake, gas separator, seal, motor, cable, cable guards, instrumentation

  • Basic ESP Design and operations including surveillance, well performance curve and design considerations

  • Proactive design considerations for future well conditions 

  • Installation considerations

  • Hybrid ESP and Gas Lift systems 

  • Troubleshooting and diagnosing problems with ESP systems and trouble-shooting

  • Maintenance and replacement of ESP systems

  • Automation and controls for ESP systems 


5 Days


Dubai Houston London

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